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普及版 モリー先生との火曜日 | |
ミッチ・アルボム 別宮 貞徳 NHK出版 2004-11-21 Amazonで詳しく見るby G-Tools 関連商品 天国の五人 Tuesdays with Morrie: an Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson モリー先生との火曜日 モリー先生との火曜日 哲学のなぐさめ―6人の哲学者があなたの悩みを救う |
昨年の大晦日の午後、NHK教育で放映された海外ドラマ「モリー先生との火曜日」というのをみて僕は実家で泣きました。部誌にとりたてて書くこともないので、ドラマの原作本(Tuesdays with Morrie: an Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson)よりモリーの語りを引用することにします。平易な単語ばかりなのでご心配なく。
--p.35-- Questions
“Have you found someone to share your heart with?” He asked. “Are you giving to your community?” “Are you at piece with yourself?” “Are you trying to be as human as yourself?”
--p.43-- life
“So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.”
--p.52-- Love is…
“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.”
…“Let it come in. We think we don't deserve love, we think if we let it in we'll become too soft. But a wise man named Levine said it right. He said,‘Love is the only rational act.'”
He repeated it carefully, pausing for the effect.“Love is the only rational act.”
--p.81-- Death
How can you ever be prepared to die?
“Do what the Buddhists do. Every day, have a little bird on your shoulder that asks, ‘Is today the day I die? Am I ready? Am I doing all I need to do? Am I being the person I want to be?’”
--p.93-- Family and Children
“Whenever people ask me about having children or not having children, I never tell them what to do. I simply say,‘There is no experience like having children.’That's all. There is no substitute for it. You cannot do it with a friend. You cannot do it with a lover. If you want the experience of having complete responsibility for another human being, and to learn how to love and bond in the deepest way, then you should have children.”
--p.110-- He spent working at a mental hospital.
Morrie observed that most of the patients there had been rejected and ignored in there lives, made to feel that they didn't exist. They also missed comppasion- something the staff ran out of quickly. And many of these patients were well-off, from rich families, so their wealth did not buy them happiness or contentment. It was a lesson he never forgot.
--p.125-- Money
“Money is not a substitute for tenderness, and power is not a substitute for tenderness. I can tell you, as I'm sitting dying, when you most need it, neither money nor power will give you the feeling you're looking for, no matter how much of them you have.”
…“There's a big confusion in this country over what we want versus what we need. ” Morrie said.“You need food, you want a chocolate sundae. You have to be honest with yourself. You don't need the latest sports car, you don't need the biggest house.
“The truth is, you don't get satisfaction from those things. You know what really gives you satisfaction?”
“Offering others what you have to give. I don't mean money, Mitch. I mean your time. Your concern. Your storytelling. It's not so hard.”
…“There are plenty of places to do this. You don't need to have a big talent. There are lonely people in hospitals and shelters who only want some companionship. You play cards with a lonely older man and you find new respect for yourself, because you are needed.”
…“Why do you think it's so important for me to hear other people's problems? Don't I have enough pain and suffering of my own?
“Of course I do. But giving to other people is what makes me feel alive. Not my car or my house. Not what I look like in the mirror. When I give my time, when I can make someone smile after they were feeling sad, it's as close to healthy as I ever feel.
“Do the kinds of things that comes from the heart. When you do, you won't be envious, you won't be longing for somebody else's things. On the contrary, you"ll be overwhelmed with what comes back.”
--p.135-- How Love Goes On
When Morrie was with you, he was really with you. He looked you straight in the eye, and he listened as if you were the only person in the world.
“I believe in being fully present. That means you should be with the person you're with. When I'm talking to you now, Mitch, I try to keep focused only on what is going on between us. I am not thinking about something we said last week. I am not thinking of what's coming up this Friday. ”
…“Part of problem, Mitch, is that everyone is in such a hurry. People haven't found meaning for it. They think the next car, the next house, the next job. Then they find those things are empty, too, and they keep running.”
--p.157-- Help
“In the beginning of life, when we are infants, we need others to survive, right? And at the end of life, when you get like me, you need others to survive, right?”
His voice dropped to a whisper.“But here's the secret. :in between, we need others as well.”
--p.173-- The Last Day
“As long as we can love each other, and remember the feeling of love we had, we can die without ever really going away. All the love you created is still there. All the memories are still there. You live on−in the hearts of everyone you have touched and nurtured while you were here.”
“Death ends a life, not a relationship.”
失われた時を求めて 第一篇 スワン家の方へ(1)